Episode 70: The French Art Academy: History & Controversy

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Let the spicy topics continue! Many of us are introduced to the concept of "The French Academy" when we begin studying art and art history, but what actually is it? Was it just a building that people could go and study at, or did it transcend a physical space and become a highly influential cultural representative? Follow your favorite BYWAP hosts as we take a sojourn to France and take a critical look into the history and controversies of such a lasting monolith.

Join us as we butcher the French language, get surprisingly heated over the Hierarchy of Painting, make apt 21st century connections to their 17th century historical counterparts, and remind folks that the last thing you need to worry about is what some dumb art school tells you is art versus not art.

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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.

Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.



Episode 71: Claude Monet and His Gardens


Episode 69: Frank Lloyd Wright