Episode 69: Frank Lloyd Wright

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Listen, we couldn't plan for this level of coincidence if we tried. Episode 69 and Frank Lloyd Wright? It's almost too gauche, even for us. But, then again, we did accidentally record this particular episode on his birthday... So, maybe we did know?? (We didn't. I'm obsessed). Architecture is our bread and butter, and this self-proclaimed greatest architect of all-time is our sworn enemy. 

Join us as we investigate Frank Lloyd Wright's obsession with mystics and Welsh magicians, get personally offended that an architect built an entire career around leaky roofs and he's still considered great(!!!), keep a running list on how easy it was to just abandon your family, and listen to Stephanie get ideas for when she starts her own commune/cult in Arizona. 

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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.

Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.



Episode 70: The French Art Academy: History & Controversy


Episode 68: Goya’s Ghosts (Movie Night!)