Episode 41: An Adventure in Urban Conservation (w/ Tamro)

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We live in a society: architecture edition. Your BYWAP hosts are back at it again, with domestic architecture expert Tamro, investigating the history of cities. When did people start to see the value in urban architecture, and when did conserving it become a priority? In today's episode, we dive into the foundation of the cities and places that make up daily life—but in an Architecture Nerd sort of way! 

Reminisce on how problematic the 20th century REALLY was; dive into the challenges that come about trying to preserve the past to keep it for the future; listen to two Georgians talk about Georgia (the country!); and, finally, contemplate how the Creative City and Modern City archetypes are just a continuation of centuries of Urban Conservation. 

Things have changed, but we're changing with it.

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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.

Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.


Episode 42: Art Shenanigans I - COVID-19 Updates


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