Episode 40: But, Why? An Introduction to Surrealism

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When an art movement born of Dada, post WWI depression, and Sigmund Freud comes on the scene.... What did you really expect? Join BYWAP for this mini picnic of lucid dreaming and furry teacups. Together, we'll explore the deeply troubling thoughts of artists like Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and so many others—as well as take inspiration from the techniques they developed to make this uncanny art. 

Find out how Surrealism took root in 20th century Paris through the form of manifests and creative types; contemplate quietly the art that you could create if you did a lot of deep breathing, randomly rubbed graphite on random pieces of paper, and channeled your weirdest dreams; find joy in your hearts the way that the Sims brings joy to our hearts; remain unsurprised that anarchists and communists co-signed their beliefs into an art style that had no gods nor kings; and bring a Surrealist object and new wealth of Art Historical knowledge to your upcoming ZOOM family holiday group call.

Care to join us in some weird art making? Using this list from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's Unframed, pick a Surrealist technique and create something with it. Be sure to tag us, and we'll post it all over the socials!

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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.

Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.


Episode 41: An Adventure in Urban Conservation (w/ Tamro)


Episode 39: Loving Vincent (Movie Night!)