Oh! The waters—the watersss—of Babylon. The waters that pour through the foundations of a luscious hanging garden! Where, exactly, were those gardens, you might ask? Well, consult some old-time-y writer trying to invent click-bait in the 3rd century, and you'd hear of the great stories of the Babylon empire. But, then again, almost every other city in some faraway place was Babylon, and the cite near modern-day Baghdad has never produced any record of these super fancy hanging structures... So, where were these gardens, exactly? And, what does Alexander the Great have to do with all of this?
Find out where the legend of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon comes from, discuss the necessity of pursuing the Seven Wonders of the World, join your favorite hosts in yelling about the inconsistencies of the Babylonian records, and let us all plan to make a trip to our very own Wonders...King Nebuchadnezzar not included.