Episode 35: The Love Affair of Storytelling

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Welcome to the end of Spooky Season, and we hope that we move into November with safety and security. And, most importantly, we hope you can move into the holidays holding onto the stories we find comfort in. This week’s guest—the one and only T.H Ponders from Accession fame—brings us to the fireplace, and teaches us about the Ekphrastic tradition: where art tells a story, and that story becomes art. 

Find out why it matters that we tell stories about art; ponder with Ponders about the history of Ekphrasis; enjoy the debut of our new Inception podcast within the podcast; and cry about the days we used to be able to go to international art museums and stand for long periods of time in front of art without a care in the world.

For those eligible, vote November 3rd.  Things have changed, but we're changing with it.

Donate. Sign petitions. Support Black-owned businesses. Educate yourselves. Listen. Speak. Repatriate.

Stay Safe. Don't Touch Your Face. Wash Your Hands.


Donate to Black Lives Matter LA, the Action Bail FundBlack Visions Collective. Please be sure you've signed petitions. If you like what we do, you can support BYWAP over on our Patreon!

Find us online!

You can follow BYWAP on Twitter and Instagram. You can also find us over on our website! We want to hear from you, to share this time with you. We're in this together, and we're better together. Please leave us a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Every little bit helps as we grow, and we cannot wait to talk to you all again. This is global.  Your voice matters. Systemic change is possible. It will not happen overnight—so keep fighting! We stand with you.

Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.

Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.


Episode 36: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon


Episode 34: Medusa: A #MeToo Icon?