Episode 20: Why Repatriate? (w/ Lindsey Anton-Wood)
Why Repatriate, you may ask? Well... How do African masks and Totem Poles in museums make you feel? Do you wonder how they got there? Would you return stolen goods, even if you think you would do a better job taking care of it? This week’s guest is the literal backbone of the show: Lindsey Anton-Wood, a Canadian studies researcher and our fabulous graphics designer. Today she helps us further last week's discussion of why (stolen) cultural objects find themselves under constant controversy. Find out why "to the victor, goes the spoils" paved the way for the looting of Black and Indigenous cultural heritage, the arguments some people have as to why objects shouldn't be returned, and how some museums are combatting Colonialism from their collections.
For the Indigenous Repatriation Handbook: click here.
Donate. Sign petitions. Support Black-owned businesses. Educate yourselves. Listen. Speak. Repatriate.
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Donate! Donate to Black Lives Matter LA, the Action Bail Fund, Black Visions Collective. Please be sure you've signed petitions.
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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.
Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood, featuring The Raven and the First Men by Bill Reid.
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