Episode 19: The Trouble with (the Title) Art
Happy July! Stay inside! Stay safe!
Come sit around the academic campfire of our hearts, and join us in our article discussion of "The Trouble with (The Term) Art" by author Carolyn Dean. We love her, we love this article, we need more discussions on how to classify art. Can we talk about Art without talking about colonialism? What is Art by Intention or Art by Appropriation? Do we put too much value into our ability to define things art Art? What does that mean for us? This article broke us in many ways, but let's get into it. Find out if, like artists, podcasts are more valuable when they die; if you can pin art down long enough to give it a title; if Elene is technically European or not; and, how much art historians refuse to acknowledge the elephant in our disciplinary living room!
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Stay Safe. Don't Touch Your Face. Wash Your Hands.
Donate! Donate to Black Lives Matter LA, the Action Bail Fund, Black Visions Collective. Please be sure you've signed petitions.
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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.
Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.