Episode 26: We Made It Up: an Introduction to Cultural Memory

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There's no earthly way of knowing which direction your memories are going. And while this may not be Willy Wonka's tunnel to hell, the fluid and ever changing imagery of a river that cannot be pinned down or dominated is evocative of the nature of memories. Memory is what we make of it, and this week’s guest—Dzebo, our dear Georgian Cultural Memory Studies major—helps us get to the bottom of the tricky nature of Cultural and Collective Memory. Find out how obsessed Steph has been over the Animal Crossing bandwagon, the long-term effects of nationalistic propaganda, how different 'memories' can resonate in a society, the way that different perspectives can cohabitate without disrupting globalism, and why we can't possibly be dancer.

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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.

Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.


Episode 27: Il Divino, Michelangelo


Episode 25: A COVID Update