Episode 25: A COVID Update


Remember back in April when we were hopeful and interested in overcoming a pandemic before summer? Remember how we thought the world could globally deal with it? Anyways. A lot has changed since our 6th episode, and it's time we updated you all with some fun, fresh (and occasionally depressing) reminders. Find out what some museums are doing to reopen safely, what happens when museum funding runs out, the current state of COVID-19 cultural affairs, and what it sounds like when Stephanie forgets how to speak Spanish.

Things have changed, but we're changing with it.

Donate. Sign petitions. Support Black-owned businesses. Educate yourselves. Listen. Speak. Repatriate. Stay Safe. Don't Touch Your Face. Wash Your Hands.

Donate! Donate to Black Lives Matter LA, the Action Bail Fund, Black Visions Collective. Please be sure you've signed petitions. If you like what we do, you can support BYWAP over on our Patreon!

Find us online! You can follow BYWAP on Twitter and Instagram. You can also find us over our website! We want to hear from you, to share this time with you. We're in this together, and we're better together. Please leave us a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Every little bit helps as we grow, and we cannot wait to talk to you all again. This is global. Your voice matters. Systemic change is possible. It will not happen overnight—so keep fighting! We stand with you.

Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.

Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.


Episode 26: We Made It Up: an Introduction to Cultural Memory


Episode 24: Hagia Sophia: May She Outlive Us All