Episode 64: Angkor Wat
It’s a holiday in Cambodia, and the star of today’s show is the world’s largest religious structure—Angkor Wat. This once-Hindu-later-Buddhist-and-also-mausoleum temple houses this history of the Khmer empire and legacy of European imperialism. It’s not perfect, but it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site... So, what can ya do?
Join us as we contemplate starting our own rice kingdom, enthuse about STEM like it’s Witchcraft, and reaffirm our favorite talking points about medieval civilizations. Just because it’s not Europe, doesn’t mean it’s “primitive”!
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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.
Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.
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Dailymotion contributors (2014). Jungle Atlantis: Angkor Wat’s Hidden Megacity. Retrieved from: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x28bxii