Episode 30: How to Talk About Art

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Or, as our audio wizard, Julieta, puts it: Can We Offer You A Crash Course On Art in This Trying Time? Clickbait titles aside, today's episode dives into a topic so painfully overlooked by the art world. Have you ever been overwhelmed being in a gallery that you know nothing about the artist? Have you ever just been lost for words? Does talking about art make you uncomfortable? Just because you like art doesn't mean you know how to TALK about art. Over our many years deeply rooted to the art world, your favorite hosts have some tips and tricks to help you get through any museum or gallery that you find yourselves in. Remember, at the end of the day, there is no wrong way to talk about art. You belong in front of the piece—take your time with it!

Find out our recap of visual literacy, gain some tools to help you be comfortable in front of art, how Elene responds to mispronunciations of her name, and why the persistence of institutions believing everyone should be an Art Historian to enjoy an art museum hurts everyone.

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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.

Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.


Episode 31: Ukiyo-e: Art of the Floating World


Episode 29: The Woman in Gold