Episode 15: #podcastblackout
The First Pride Was a Riot. In protest of the epidemic of racism and police brutality that affects Black people in America daily, this episode is part of #podcastblackout. The movement was started by the Cult 45: The Movie podcast. BYWAP is pro-black, pro-protect, anti-cop, anti-racist.
Donate. Sign petitions. Support Black-owned businesses. Educate yourselves. Listen. Speak.
Please do not solely rely on memes and hashtags to express your feelings. Social media has made it entirely too easy to have performative activism, but activism is online and offline.
Look to books: read Audre Lorde, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Angela Davis, Isabel Wilkerson. Look to Resource Guides: the incredible Ally Resource Guide, The Dismantle Collective , Museum Detox Ally Thread, theUniversity of Texas NAACP Resource Guide, Campaign Zero's 8 Can't Wait, Anti-Racism Resources. Know Your Rights when protesting (US). Donate to Black Lives Matter LA, the Action Bail Fund, Black Visions Collective. To donate even when you're unemployed, watch Zoe Amira's BLM youtube video—100% of the video's ad revenue will be donated to causes. Please be sure you've signed petitions. This is global. Your voice matters. Systemic change is possible. It will not happen overnight, so keep fighting.
We stand with you.