Episode 12: You’d Scream Too If It Happened To You
I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream! And Can't Stop Screaming! Today we talk about the captivating nature of Norwegian expressionist artist Edvard Munch's haunting painting: The Scream. So much happened to this painting... Like, so much. And we're so excited to be sharing this with you! Sometimes you have to have major drama for the world to love you, and this painting is no exception. Find out how many times Munch had to deal with the scream to exorcize this obsession from his soul, what it takes to specialize in Munch authentications, and how easy it is to steal priceless art.
Congratulations Class of 2020. We're so proud of you.
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Our music was written and recorded by Elene Kadagidze.
Our cover art was designed by Lindsey Anton-Wood.
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